Interfaith Explorations
The Interfaith Center offers regular courses on world's religions and different forms of interfaith explorations. The classes are conducted on zoom and run from 8 to 12 weeks at a time.
See below for current and past class information and resources.
Spring 2025 Class:
Exploring Ideas in the World’s Religions: Insights from Huston Smith and Process Philosophy
Co-sponsored by The Interfaith Center and Process and Faith
In this eight-week course, students will engage key ideas from the world’s religious traditions and interpret them through the lens of Huston Smith’s works and process philosophy using individual thought, curiosity, creativity, and spiritual growth.
Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm Central Time, Mar. 5-Apr. 23
Virtual class hosted on Zoom
Cost: $99 ($49 for students). Financial assistance available.
Spring 2024 Class:
Poetry for the Journey Class Resources
We are delighted to present the spring 2024 session of Interfaith Explorations. Hosted by Bethlehem Centre and The Interfaith Center of Arkansas, in collaborative partnership with The Cobb Institute and Process and Faith, “Poetry for the Journey” is a six week series that will provide an inclusive environment for individuals from different religious traditions and spiritual independents to come together to share and discuss poetry.
The group’s primary focus is on “spiritual poetry”, a term inspired by Jane Hirshfield, an acclaimed poet, essayist, and translator with ten collections of poetry. On the Poetry Foundation’s website, Hirshfield shares 22 spiritual poems that delve into themes such as permeability, embracing life with a resounding ‘Yes,’ abundance, longing, spiritual dialogue, love, vibration, and meditation. These are the kinds of themes we will explore during the class sessions.
The selected poems will be ancient, classical, and contemporary works from diverse cultures and faith backgrounds. They will be presented in English to ensure accessibility for participants. The poems will serve as launching pads for reflection and discussion, allowing participants to contemplate on various aspects of everyday life, historical moments, and philosophical ideas.
The interfaith exploration series will be held on Wednesdays, with a guided exploration of three poems during each session. The three poems for each week will be distributed before the class so that participants can read them in advance if they wish.
Session 1 - March 27, 2024
In this first class of six classes, Dr. Jay McDaniel facilitates an exploration of four poems:
Collecting Light by Deborah Cooper
Red Brocade by Naomi Shihab Nye
Elegy for My Mother’s Mind by Laura Van Prooyen
The Place Where We are Right by Yehuda Amichai
Session 2 - April 3, 2024
In this second class of six classes, The Reverend Patricia Matthews facilitates an exploration of four poems:
Love by Czeslaw Milosz
Eagle Poem by Joy Harjo
Poem I,45 from Rilke’s Book of Hours by Ranier Maria Rilke
The Hammock by Li-Young Lee
Session 3 - April 12, 2024
In this third of six classes, Kathleen Wakefield facilitates an exploration of four poems:
Why Write Love Poetry in a Burning World by Katie Farris from Standing in the Forest of Being Alive
On the Sorrow God Pours Into the Little Boat of Life by B. H. Fairchild from An Ordinary Life
Whose Mouth Do I Speak With? by Suzanne Rancourt from Billboard in the Clouds
Postscript by Seamus Heaney from Opened Ground: Selected Poems, 1966-96
Session 4 - April 19, 2024
In this fourth class of six classes, Mary Elizabeth Moore facilitates an exploration of four poems: Camera, Haridwar by Laurie Patton Humanity and Suffering by Sa ‘di American Arithmetic by Natalie Diaz I Know My Soul by Claude McKay.
Session 5 - April 24, 2024
In this fifth class of six classes, Kathleen Wakefield facilitates an exploration of four poems:
ROACH By Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980) From The Gates, 1976
DAWN LANDSCAPE By Tu Fu (712-770 C.E.) Translated by David Hinton From In Awakened Cosmos: The Mind of Classical Chinese Poetry
TRUST by Margaret Noodin from What the Chicadee Knows, 2020 (The poet writes first in Anishinaabemowin, then English)
BIG By Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer From Hush, 2020
Session 6 - May 1, 2024
In this final class, all the facilitators reflect on poems from a Sufi master!
Spirituality and Poetry Session 8
Tonight We Talked About
Q for Quest, O for Openness and X for Mystery
Spirituality and Poetry Session 7
Tonight we talked about
S for Silence, L for Listening
Spirituality and Poetry Session 6 11/8/2023
Today we talked about G for Gratitude, C for connections and H for hospitality
Spirituality and Poetry Session 5 11/1/2023
This session’s Spiritual Alphabet letter are:
L is for Love and J is for Justice
Spirituality and Poetry Session 4 10/25/2023
This session’s Spiritual Alphabet letter are::
F for faith, I for imagination an P for play
Spirituality and Poetry Session 3 10/18/2023
Today we talked about: L or Longing & Z for Zest
C for Compassion & F for Forgiveness
The Interfaith Center Executive Director, Sophia Said shared a very special letter with us all.
Today's spiritual alphabet letters are A for attention and B for beauty
Also today’s beautiful poetry readings are:
The Guest House by Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi
When the wind is perfect also by Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi
Do you know how beautiful you are? by Hafiz Shirazi
Our moderator, Sophia Said, closed this session with a Navajo blessing,
"May you walk in beauty"
Spirituality and Poetry
Welcome to Spirituality and Poetry class. Session 1 10/4/2023
Below you will be able to watch the introductory class
Each week we will download the class video to our website
Join us to explore the timeless verses of Rumi and Hafiz, two poets who transcend religious boundaries and touch upon the universal essence of the human experience. Through their words, we will uncover insights and inspirations that can enrich our spiritual lives, fostering a deeper connection with ourselves, others, and the divine.
Sophia Said and Jay McDaniel will lead this 8 week enriching series offered in collaboration with the Bethlehem Centre in Canada and Cobb Institute in California starting October 4, 2023. As a paradigm for thinking about spirituality, we will use the “spiritual alphabet” of Spirituality and Practice: “A” is for attention, “B” is for beauty, “C” is for compassion, etc.
We invite you to join us for an hour each week as we embark on a reflective journey through the spiritual alphabet.
We aim to create a space where diverse perspectives can converge, fostering a deep appreciation for the power of spirituality, poetry, and process theology.
Classes are offered FREE of cost. But registration is REQUIRED to join class sessions. Click here to REGISTER: https://bethlehemcentre.secure.retreat.guru/.../interfai.../.
Dreams: A Pathway to Your Soul and A Guide to Your Daily Life
Session Three Wednesday June 28th, 2023 “Dreams and Interior Personality” Today we learned how our dreams can help us with our known and unknown interior personalities. Rev. Smith helped us to get in touch with the part of us my lurk n our dreams. To watch click here !
Session Two Wednesday June 21st , 2023 “Layers of Psyche” Today was a wonderful class on the layers of our own psyche and how our dreams play a big role in discovering our deeper self. You are invited to click here to watch the video.
Session One Wednesday June 14th, 2023 Today June 14th was our first workshop on Dreams for the summer. We are very excited about the participation and would like you to know it is not to late to sign up. If you would like to sign up for this workshop please follow the link here
You are also invited to watch the first session on our YouTube channel
This is our last class for the spring. This has been a fantastic series. Stay tuned for a new summer series on a different perspective.
Mystery is what happens to us when we allow life to evolve rather than having to make it happen all the time… just to see, just to notice, just to be there. — Joan Chittister
The Gift of Years It is not in our power to explain either the prosperity of the wicked or the sufferings of the righteous. — Ethics of the Fathers quoted in Jewish Wisdomby Joseph Telushkin
Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. — Howard Thurman quoted in Violence Unveiled by Gil Bailie
Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that never was before and never will be again. — Pablo Casals in Full Esteem Ahead by Diane Loomans
P for Peace L for Listen
This week we talked of all the ways we have peace; community, mental, and spiritual. We had wonderful discussion on is absolute peace possible? Is peace just the absence of war?
We acknowledged that listening is a skill that has to be practiced. Putting our personal biases, expectations and "fix it" tendencies aside as we tune into what is being communicated to us.
Next week will be our final class on X for Mystery
Z for Zeal
May 17th, 2023
T for Teacher and H for Hope
May 10th 2023
Is there life without hope? Good question! What have you been taught today and was it it a traditional teacher or just living life? Let’s talk about those deep question! Watch and maybe you will be taught something new that could foster hope.
S for Shadow and W for Wonder
May 3rd, 2023
As we delve into the shadows of where we are, may it be within our community or self, wonder can arise. This week was a true eye opener! Please take time to watch this “WONDERFUL”!
J for Justice and P for Play
April 26th, 2023
Session Seven was a wonderful dichotomy of justice and play! We talked about justice without malice for others and how to seek justice for others. Play can be life giving! Talked about living in balance within our selves with time for play and how play can be used to defused internal and external conflicts.
Thank you Dr. Jay McDaniel and Sophia Said for leading us through this discussion.
Watch the class on YouTube link below.
O for Openness and S for Silence
April .19th.2023
Session six taught us how to open ourselves to other and and how we can heal in silence.
Thank you Dr. Jay McDaniel and Sophia Said for leading us through this discussion.
M for Meaning and N for Nurturing
April 12,2023
Session five was lead by Dr, Jay McDaniel; and Sandy Watson as moderator.
This class was very thought provoking and “meaningful”!
If you would like to be put on the email list for joining us in the class, give us your name at Admin@theinterfaithcenter.org
Click on link below to watch a recording of this class:
G for Gratitude and H for Hospitality
April 5th, 2023
Session number four was full of wonderful incites on how to foster gratitude and hospitality!
Thank you Dr. Jay McDaniel and Sophia for leading this session
If you would like to be put on the email list for joining us in the class, give us your name at Admin@theinterfaithcenter.org
Click on link below to watch a recording of this class:
E is for Enthusiasm F is for Forgiveness
March 29th, 2023
Our third session was so enlightening and we thank Dr. Jay McDaniel and Sophia Said for leading us!
If you would like to be put on the email list for joining us in the class, give us your name at Admin@theinterfaithcenter.org
Click on link below to watch a recording of this class:
C is for Connection and Compassion
March 22nd, 2023
Our second session was beautiful and we had many first timers join us. It is not to late to join us! Email Admin@theintrfaithcenter.org and tell us you name. We will send you a link.
Below is the recording of our March 22, 2023 session:
A is for Attention and B is for Beauty
March 15th 2023
Our spring 2023 Session of Interfaith Explorations has just started and the first class was fantastic! It is not too late to join us live on Wednesdays at noon CDT. Just send your name to admin@theinterfaithcenter.org and we will include you in the zoom classes!
Watch the class on YouTube link below.